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发布者:刘桂红 [发表时间]:2020-06-04 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


Microcomputer Principle and Intelligent Control Laboratory






The laboratory is responsible for providing real microcomputers and intelligent control equipments, allowing students to personally design system circuits, connect hardware circuits, software writing, hardware and software debugging, and develop microcomputers and intelligent control application programs, so that students can fully understand the development and implementation methods of computer hardware, as well as the methods and processes of research and development of related intelligent hardware products.

This laboratory is affiliated to the major of Computer Science and Technology.It mainly offers the experimental courses associated to the majors of Computer Science and Technology, Electronic Information Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, and Communication Engineering. It conducts the relevant training and practical exercises in the directions of single chip microcomputer and hardware. It also provides the environment and platform for undergraduate and graduate students to conduct the innovation competitions and for teachers to do research.

The courses and directions provided by this laboratory include Computer Composition Principle, Single Chip Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, Computer Control Technology, Real-time System and Microcontroller Application, Computer Control Programming Technology. The typical equipments and instruments are computer composition principle experiment platform, multi-CPU single-chip microcomputer independent development and expansion system, single-chip microcomputer principle system, computer control experiment system, switch, server and PC machines.
